Lucretia VanDyke

With a journey that began when she was a little girl mixing herbs, muds, and roots on her grandparents’ farm, Lucretia VanDyke has had a lifelong connection to the plants and been in the wellness industry for over 25 years. Her quest for knowledge and storytelling has led her all over the world to learn about remedies, traditions, and ceremonies from indigenous healers. 

One of the foremost experts on southern folk healing arts, Lucretia integrates rituals, plant spirit meditation, holistic food/herbal medicine , and ancestor reverence into people’s practices.

Lucretia has worked and trained with many internationally known spa and skin care companies. She is a Holistic Educator, Speaker, Herbalist, Sacred Sexologist, Ceremonialist,Spiritual Coach, Intuitive Energetic Practitioner, Diviner, Author, story teller,& world traveler. Lucretia has studied with some of the greatest minds of our time. She brings her vivacious spirit and her message of ancestral connection in herbal practices to inspire others to embrace their unique relationship with the plants. 

Her work with herbs and ceremony honors African and indigenous healing arts and herbal practices, Women's Wholeness Medicine, grief work, trauma, self-love empowerment, & holistic skin care.

Teaching herbal classes, cooking, storytelling, and foraging in the woods learning native medicine is what charges her soul.